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How can I help support HOPE Christian Life Center?
Your generous financial support determines how many we can help and how far into our area we can reach to best serve our community and those in needs. Giving is convenient and simple. Choose from one of the following four options and know that every dollar you provide translates into hope, help and healing.
Here’s how you can support HOPE Christian Life Center:
Online Donations Make a secure online payment using your debit or credit card. We accept all major credit cards.
Donation Pledges by Phone If you prefer to make a donation or pledge by phone, please call HOPE Christian Life Center during our regular business hours (9:00 am – 5:00 pm Eastern Time).
Donations by Mail If you prefer to make a donation by mail, please send to:
HOPE Christian Life Center
211 Consumers Road, Unit#305 Toronto, ON, M2J 4G8HOPE Dream House If you prefer to make a donation to HOPE Christian Life Center “Dream House” project, please send your check payable to:
HOPE Christian Life Center
211 Consumers Road, Suite#305 Toronto, ON, M2J 4G8All donations are tax deductible.
We appreciate your support.